Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10

Today I recieved the last of my Christmas presents from my dear Mother in-law, Norene. She gave me a few amazon gift cards on Christmas day and let me order whatever I'd like - she sure knows me well!! Amazon is one of my favorite places to shop!

Pictured above are ALL my gifts (except the necklace & earrings that my husband gave me...oops!) that I recieved - I was quite the lucky girl this year!

My husband gave me the KitchenAid immersion blender - in Red ;) he knows me oh to well! I can't wait to use it!

My husband's Aunt Johanna gave me the Bath & Body Works lotion

and My Mother in-law gave me the $$ to purchase the rest:
* Name 5 board game
* Pit card game
* Pioneer Woman cookbook
* Cookbook stand - I've been wanting one FOREVER!
* Willow Tree Nativity 5 piece set - Mary Joseph, some animals and a shephard - I've been wanting this set FOREVER - I teased my husband that he'll have to get the rest of the set for me now :)
* Willow Tree Angel & Angel Stand (part of the nativity set - but purchased separate)
* 2 OPI nail polishes - one of them came with blingged out toe separators - so cute!
* Heather Payne CD
* Michael Buble Christmas CD

Gosh...I am so blessed! Thanks everyone for making this a really great Christmas!! I hope you all enjoyed your gifts from me as well!

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