I really love my Jonah Bible study - I'm learning so much. I am SO thankful that I serve a God of second chances. A God who is sitting in heaven just WAITING for me to ask for another chance - how amazing is He?
We officially gave back the keys to the Greenbush house tonight. It was a bittersweet moment as I pulled out of the subdivision. I remember the first day we arrived - it was SO COLD and I was clueless on even how to get to our house. But now we're done...moved on....I'm wondering what awaits us at the Osage house.
Started my first book of the year - I'm so embarrassed to say that :/ seeing as it's the last day of the month. But I'm excited to be reading the Anne of Green Gables series for the first time ever - I think I should be even MORE embarrassed to be saying that, seeing as I'm a HUGE Anne fan! Reading the first few chapters made me want to sit and watch the movies all over again - I'm thinking I'm going to try and talk my youth group girls into watching it when they do their sleepover here at my house next month....we'll see!
I've never read them either! :-x