Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8

Today at church the question was posed: "What would happen if we as Christians REALLY believed that those who reject Jesus Christ would go to Hell?"

The pastor gave a statistic that said only 3% of church going Christians invited someone to church in the last year - 3%!!! Yikes - and then I thought....I'm one of the 97%.....whoa....

Well I've been thinking about it and I have a few questions for myself:

1. I call myself a Christian - a God follower - but am I really reaching those in my circle for Christ? Am I showing God's love to each person I come into contact with?

2. If not - Why?

I grew up thinking that you needed to "throw up" your religion on anyone who you came into contact with - and I'm learning that isn't the case.  It's about building relationships - letting God's love shine through me. Being Jesus to other people. Because let's face it - people don't really care how much of the bible you know, until they know you really care about them as a person - not just another "notch" in your bible.

So at the end of today's sermon we were asked to think of ONE person that we would try and build a healthy relationship with and just be invitational about church, God, etc... and through the entire service I was thinking about these 3 people.  I know God has been laying them on my heart - and I need to be Jesus to them.

Father God, please help me to be loving, to be kind and helpful. Help me to show who YOU really are to these people. Remove "me" from me and fill me with you. Work on my heart - fill it with you. Work on these 3 people Father - open their hearts so that they can fully receive you.  Help me to listen to them. Let me be uncomfortable - make me uncomfortable - get me out of my comfort zone so that they might see you and your love and grace.  Get rid of my excuses Lord - they are nothing when I think about people spending eternity in Hell.  Thank you for the work you are already doing and are going to do.  ~Amen

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