Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24

My Jonah bible study was this morning - have I mentioned how much I am enjoying this study?  This morning I was running "just on time" not early and not late - but I was going to get there "just on time" I tend to like to be EARLY - I'm talking 10+ minutes! So for me I felt rushed. So I hurried into the room and there were people at all of the tables - SHOCKER right? LOL not really - but when I usually arrive NOBODY is there and I just sit down at an empty table and wait for the others to arrive. Last week a bunch of older ladies sat at my table ages 55+ - now please don't get me wrong, I love women of all ages - and obviously I attract them??? - but I REALLY needed to talk/make friends with some women that were MY age, who were going through the same things that I am going through etc...  So I come into the room and carefully look at each of the tables BEFORE sitting down - and lo and behold there was a group of ladies that looked to be about my age, AND there was a spot open at their table. YAY - so I go and sit down there - I'm so glad I did.  We ended up talking about things that I could relate to in life, how we all applied this weeks study to our lives etc... it was SO refreshing!!! I'm actually looking forward to going to the study next week - hopefully there will be a spot open at their table again!

Here are just a few things I wanted to share from this weeks study:

"Partnering with Him [God] doesn't mean having no plans and ambitions of your own. It means holding them loosely, always leaving room for "the word of the Lord" reshaping your purposes and aligning them with His own"

"Believing that divine interruptions are a privilege not only will cause us to handle them differently but also to await them eagerly"

"Whatever God has called you to do should be a privilege for you to undertake. While it might not be easy or convenient He offers you a chance to write a story of significance for eternity"

Insignificant PERSON + Insignificant TASK = INTERRUPTION
Divine Interruption + Yielded Submission = ETERNAL SIGNIFICANCE

"Giving God a position of significance - the primary role - in your daily living is of paramount importance. This means more than simply receiving Him as Savior. In the tale of your life unfolding right now, He, NOT YOU, must be the one in the spotlight. Your life involves you but is not ultimately about you.  Knowing this allows you to be more willing to relinquish control over your life and yield to the divine intervention"

"God's plans for us are so overwhelmingly beyond anything that we could ever imagine that our feelings or ability to reason His directives cannot be the determining factor for choosing obedience. Making sense of what God has asked or feeling compelled to cooperate cannot be the prerequisite for choosing obedience.  His Word must be enough"

And here is a question for you reader:

What is your life telling others about the God you serve?

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